Pro členy Unie podnikových právníků platí nabízená sleva.


We are pleased to announce that the spring semester 2022 on Corporate Counsel Academy starts very soon with attractive online courses like:


Drafting International Contracts

Tuesdays (9:00 – 10:30 CET): Feb 8/15/22 – Mar 1/8/15/22/29

Digital Legal Counsel Certification

April 4/6/12/13/26/28 – May 3/5 

and many more.


The ECLA-certified courses are geared towards European company lawyers, with high-quality teachers hosting courses ideal for corporate lawyers looking to enhance their skillset. We have a diverse set of courses to offer, depending on the area you are looking to improve in. This gives you the opportunity to select classes most suited to your needs, availability and prior experience. ECLA will issue a certificate to each participant at the end of the course indicating the exact hours of training. 

Members of ECLA member asscociatons benefit from a discounted course fee.

For further courses, details, schedules and registration, please visit:


We look forward to welcoming you!
Kind regards,

Your ECLA-Team


Legal approach to data-driven business models - let us know your experience and gain key insights into the developments!


Teresa Kunz

Manager ECLA Head Office